Tips and Tricks to use your storage unit efficiently

Published on 12/9/2024

Tips and Tricks to use your storage unit efficiently

There are 3 bullet points to help improve the use of your storage unit.

·       Do you use totes over boxes

Depending on the length of what you are storing will depend on whether to use boxes or plastic totes.  If you are storing short term, boxes would be the way to go.  It would be more economical and boxes come in various sizes to fit what is needed.  If you are storing something long-term, plastic totes are what you will want to use.  They increase durability and are resistance to the elements and pests.  Plastic totes can be color coded for seasonal supplies and all others can be labeled.

·       Map out your storage unit

First, you should make a list of all the items you are placing in storage.  Keep similar items together with a color-coded zone.  Once the map is complete tack it to the wall of the storage unit.  Make sure to keep items often used close to the front of your unit for easy access.  Example: seasonal items including Christmas decorations.  Also, make sure when arranging things keep a path to get bigger items removed easily like a sofa.  Make sure to note on the map when you are piling items on top of furniture and what it being piled there.

·       Installing shelving units

Most storage facilities will allow free standing shelving units to maximize space.  The best to use are ones that can be moved in and out of the storage unit easily.  Those are usually the ones that need to be put together.  Shelving units allow you to store things horizontally and vertically optimizing space in your unit.  They allow for more floor space and making walking paths.  Make sure to store the heavier items on the bottoms of the shelfs.

Hope this helps with your storage needs.